Since the 2008 crisis, having a job was considered a privilege and few people thought of quitting. But, like many other things, the COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed this conception.

Quitting a job is not a topic that often crosses our minds. Since the 2008 crisis, having a job was considered a privilege and few people thought of quitting. But, like many other things, the COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed this conception. People are not so afraid to claim: ‘I hate my job!’.

The Great Resignation came to be last 2021. Find out how this global trend is evolving, what dangers it brings, and how we can address it.

The Great Resignation in the World

The Great Resignation began in early 2021 in the United States, when millions of people quit their jobs. Most were millennials and Generation Z, who came together with this hate my job feeling. More than 12 million workers quit their jobs between March and July 2021. These were figures never seen before and their effects continue to this day.

The trend, however, is not limited to the US. Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom are also seeing record numbers of resignations. The healthcare and construction sectors are among those suffering the most resignations.

In Spain, it seemed that the Great Resignation would not arrive, but it has done so a year later than in the United States. Between January and June 2022, a record resignation rate was recorded in the country, with maximums never seen since data has been available. Of course, there are many differences from the sky-high U.S. figures. But it is quite possible that this Great Resignation will also affect the country in one way or another.

Top 5 Reasons Behind The Great Resignation

Where is the Big Quit coming from? Why are workers deciding to leave their jobs right now? It’s not a simple ‘I hate my job’ reason. But rather a perfect cocktail that creates the ideal conditions for employees to decide it’s over.

  • A very buoyant labour market. The labour market recovery is very strong globally. In many countries, there have never been as many job opportunities as there are today. In the U.S. this is most evident, as unemployment is hovering around 3%. If you resign there, it is easy to find a job again. For this reason, countries like Spain, with a very high structural unemployment rate compared to the U.S., are not suffering such a severe Great Resignation.
  • Time and space to reassess priorities. The periods of confinement allowed the population many months to rethink their working lives. To what extent does it pay off for me? Mental health has gained a lot of space in our lives after the shared trauma of the pandemic. And that means we no longer go so long without saying something.
  • Improvements in working conditions. Telecommuting, hybrid models and work-life balance space have made their way into companies. Workers don’t want to let these facilities go. So if a company doesn’t include them, they are likely to look for another one.
  • Burnout. We cannot forget the burnout syndrome, which affects 1 in 3 workers worldwide. The feeling that the company demands too much ends up provoking in the employee a serious disinterest in the job. This is a perfect breeding ground for the employee to join the Great Resignation.
  • Need for career advancement. The pandemic situation caused many people to pause their career development plans. It was a priority to keep the job in such an uncertain situation. With the change in the situation, all of these plans are being reactivated and involve finding a job where the career will continue.

How To Face The Great Resignation

In order to deal with the Big Quit, it is essential to understand it. From an employer’s point of view, it can be overwhelming. So I can lose half of my staff overnight? Well… yes. But an employee going into an ‘I hate my job’ spiral can be a serious crisis or as an opportunity.

A high salary is no longer enough to keep employees. It is important to promote the mental health of employees by implementing work-life balance and flexibility measures and a good working environment. Active listening will help you in these cases. Valuing the people in your team is essential for them to want to stay.

Have you ever thought about leaving your job? It is a perfect time to consider new job horizons. On Jobstoday you can discover thousands of job offers all over the world. Dare and find the next step of your future – let’s work together!

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